Tuesday, 23 September 2014

The four theories of communication

The  Johari window is one the things used to help people understand their relationships with themselves and the people around them. this technique was created by two psychologists Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham in 1995.

The Open area- this are includes the things someone knows about themselves and also the things other people around them see about them for example this could included personality traits, name,gender,race. 

The Blind area- this area includes the things that a person are unaware of, but other people recognize in that person as they get to know them, they then have to choose weather to tell the person about their 'blind area' these things could included  how that person uses body language to show their emotion or their tells that shows someone they're lying. 

The hidden area- this area includes that things that are private,intimate about a person that only they know, this area allows them to choose what they will reveal to the people around them.

The unknown area- this area includes the things no ones knows about a person, not even themselves. these things can not be easily revealed. the unknown area often included things such as subconscious dreams. 

   Dimbleby & Burton's triangle of self concept. 

        Self image                                                       Ideal self
Self esteem
(value&confidence in ourselves)

Self image(how we see ourselves) appearance, personality, location of house, characteristics, interests and abilities. 

Ideal self (how we want to be) appearance, personality, location of house, characteristics, interests, abilities. the ideal self can be influenced by peers, celebrities and parents these people are seen as role models.  

Argyle's theory 

argyle's theory of communication is made up of six main concepts made into a cycle.

An idea occurs. For example, let us say that our idea is wanting to buy a dog. 

Message coded. This would be us putting our desire of a dog into whatever way we want to communicate with. This may be writing, language, pictures, or any other medium you can think of. 

Message sent. Here we have communicated our desire for wanting a dog. 

Message received. The person or target audience we wish to tell of our desire to have a dog (possibly a parent or guardian) has received our message. 

Message decoded. They now must take what we have said and try to decode it. Now, "I want a dog" is rather straight forward, but not everyone is as obvious as that. this step is where a communication breakdown may occur as they might decode our message incorrectly. 

Message understood. Hopefully the last step was effective and they understand what you were trying to communicate. Now the cycle can begin again. 

Argyle's 10 codes of NVC 

  • Head nods
  • eye contact 
  • facial expression
  • gesture
  • posture
  • orientation 
  • proxemics 
  • haptics 
  • appearance 
  • para-language 

Goffman's theory 

Goffman's theory is 'the presentation of self in everyday life'. He believed that on a day to day basis we all play a number of different roles(persona's) to fit the situations we place ourselves in, he took this and said that this means our social and professional interactions in everyday resembled a "dramaturgical performance".Goffman's theory includes....

Personas- Goffman talks about how the personas are like masks we wear and how we choose the right one depending on the situation we are in. 

Performance- Goffman talks about how we put our various selves on a scale going from sincere to cynical, where sincere is the believed to be closest to our real selves and cynical the furthest from our real selves. While real self is a difficult concept to define, it is possible to make assumptions about the personae we take on and how much truth they have

Staging- Goffman found a certain importance in the location and props to further the develop of or personas 

Teams- Goffman stated the importance of other people in our self-presentation. He refers to teams as the people who are part of the staging and that they support our different personae. 

Roles- As we have already seen, we play different official and unofficial social roles in our lives. Goffman saw that we adopt roles throughout our days, and these change along with our personas.

Personal style – This is the most complex of Goffman’s concepts. Personal style seems to be the aspect of our communication which gives it a voice,either verbal or non-verbal. It is the aspect of our self which is visible in how we use our imaginations, how we speak, how we use our bodies. Goffman sees it as the aspect which links all the previous parts of the theory together.
